The Blizzard of 2022 - Part One

 Everyone I knew had been anticipating the massive snowstorm on Saturday (Today). "Too bad it wont be on Sunday night, and give us a day off" I said every time somebody brought it up. I brought both of my trail cameras inside that week, not wanting them to get buried in ice off in the woods. although I did set one up in my side yard, at the last second, tied to a hemlock tree, on time lapse mode. I hoped to get a sped up video of the snow accumulating during the blizzard. That would be interesting. 

I woke up at 5:15 am to the sound of tree branches roaring in the wind. I looked out my bedroom window. I couldn't even see the church through the fog of snow (around 200 feet away from my house). The only thing I could hear over the wind was the scraping and beeping of a nighttime snowplow on Brook St. I took a picture while looking out the window, at 5:20 am, and another when I woke up for good four hours later at around 9:00 am. The bright blurred light in the first photo is from a street light in the church's parking lot.

Things are even crazier along the coast right now. There is a line of severe weather running from Boston, through Providence, to a place in the Atlantic off the coast of Maryland. We in Framingham are on the outskirts of the storm in Boston. I'm calling this post "Part One" because It looks like it's only going to continue snowing hard until tomorrow morning, when I will hopefully find that the time lapse worked, and can post that video in a "Part Two" post.


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