The Blizzard Of 2022 - Part Two

 The Storm is set to end at midnight tonight (Jan 29). 40 mph winds mean we won't have to shovel the roof, because nature did it for us. I checked the camera trap as it has spent a little over 24 hours outside. For those who didn't read my last post "The Blizzard Of 2022 - Part One", I placed my trail camera (SL122 pro) in my side yard the evening before the storm. The camera was set to take a photo every 20 minutes, so that after I edit them together, they make a time lapse GIF file. The final result is below:

I thought this GIF was very fun to watch, and i watched it maybe 50 times before uploading. Notice how right before the cycle repeats, my brother and I shovel the driveway. Because there is 20 minutes in between each frame, the job looks instant, but it really wasn't. 45 minutes was converted into about a 20th of a second. I also noticed the pile and shovel which seem to appear on the snow, when we finish. A dead oak leaf works it's way across the driveway, blown by the wind.

Our neighborhood, along with half of New England, is white...

I hope you enjoyed the time-lapse. Thank you for reading.


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