Acorn Seedlings Update

 ...So about a two months ago, in this link, I wrote a post about my first germinated acorn of the year. I had simulated winter conditions using my refrigerator, in order to "fool" the four acorns into sprouting early. well, I took one acorn out of the refrigerator, watched it grow a root system, and did the post above after taking some photos... and then it turned black, molded up, and stopped growing. I think that when I dug it up to take the photos, I damaged it's roots too much, and disturbed the soil too much. 

When I realized the seedling was dead, I grabbed all three remaining acorns, to record their growth. They all began to sprout. I then forgot about one of them completely. The other 2 died quickly, similarly to the first one. A whole month later, I noticed a little stem with a pair of curled up oak leaves, that had been growing up against the side of a flower pot, in the container. I guess it thrived under neglect... 


...Please note that this would not naturally occur at this time of year. I "Adopted" two new ones the other day, that I found on a path. They are just now starting to sprout tiny, pink root buds, in mid-March. Whatever resistance the successful sprout had that the unsuccessful ones didn't, made the difference between life and death. Natural Selection.


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