Manadnock 2022

 I've climbed Mount Manadnock, in Jaffrey New Hampshire around 6 times, and weve gone there once a year, for the past 3 years, making up half the times I've gone. Link for last year's post: Manadnock 2021. While it's the 33rd tallest mountain in New England, the difference in temperature between the bottom and top is extreme, and so is the difference in habitat: 

The lower half of the mountain is grey, because it is made primarily of birch trees, but also has a mix of oak, beech, aspen, and maple, of course it also has the occasional white pine, and hemlock. As altitude increases, the temperature and moisture decreases, and there is more wind. When you climb to about halfway up the mountain, the grey deciduous trees suddenly get replaced by a mono-culture of nothing but red spruce (a tree that is very tough, can handle lots of snow weight, and is drought resistant. This alpine layer makes the next half of the mountain dark green. 

Below are the best photos from the hike. I recommend it.





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